created for The National Museum of the American Indian
concept, design, writing
photo credit: Tahila Mintz Corwin

created for the American Museum of Natural History
concept, graphic design, writing

created for The National Museum of the American Indian
concept, graphic design, writing

created for The National Museum of the American Indian
concept, design, fabrication

created for The National Museum of the American Indian
concept, graphic design, writing

created for The National Museum of the American Indian
Painting by Ernie Smith (Seneca), photograph by Tami Watt (Seneca)
I asked photographer Tami Watt if she would create the photograph of judge Gloria Heron (Seneca) and brought the two images together to build a lesson about cultural continuity and adaptation.
concept, image selection
Ernest Smith image provided with permission from the Rochester Museum and Science Center

Created to work as a felt board teaching tool where I could overlay cutouts of Haudenosaunee homelands and illustrate wampum trade routes
concept, fabrication

developed for Kenjgewin Teg
Students draw from the language in various provided texts to create a map with contemporary borders, overlaid with an Indigenous mapping interpretation of the same area, showing the Anishinaabek migration story.
concept, design, prototype

Developed for Kenjgewin Teg

developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
one page from a larger curriculum about the Canandaigua Treaty
writing, layout

developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
writing, graphic design

developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
concept, writing, graphic design

developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
painting by Ernest Smith
These images were brought together for a lesson plan discussing the ways that Haudenosaunee people have maintained agricultural traditions while adapting and changing over time.
image reproduced courtesy of the Rochester Museum & Science Center
concept, image selection, photograph

developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
writing, graphic design

developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
writing, graphic design

Bank Street school assignment
concept, graphic design

developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
Designed to accompany a treaty curriculum, these paper wampum beads are meant to serve as flash cards for content in the lesson.
concept, design, protoype, photographs

Interviews done to support American Museum of Natural History lessons.
concept, interviews, graphic design:AMNH
Full PDFs here

Digital interactive with scenes from three periods of Haudenosaunee homes. Students are asked to place material culture objects in the correct image, forcing them to think through when different objects came into existence and which objects retain significance today.
Designed and developed in collaboration with Ganondagan staff Michael Galban, Tonia Galban, and Kerri Ingham.
full activity here

created for The National Museum of the American Indian
concept, design, writing
photo credit: Tahila Mintz Corwin
created for the American Museum of Natural History
concept, graphic design, writing
created for The National Museum of the American Indian
concept, graphic design, writing
created for The National Museum of the American Indian
concept, design, fabrication
created for The National Museum of the American Indian
concept, graphic design, writing
created for The National Museum of the American Indian
Painting by Ernie Smith (Seneca), photograph by Tami Watt (Seneca)
I asked photographer Tami Watt if she would create the photograph of judge Gloria Heron (Seneca) and brought the two images together to build a lesson about cultural continuity and adaptation.
concept, image selection
Ernest Smith image provided with permission from the Rochester Museum and Science Center
Created to work as a felt board teaching tool where I could overlay cutouts of Haudenosaunee homelands and illustrate wampum trade routes
concept, fabrication
developed for Kenjgewin Teg
Students draw from the language in various provided texts to create a map with contemporary borders, overlaid with an Indigenous mapping interpretation of the same area, showing the Anishinaabek migration story.
concept, design, prototype
Developed for Kenjgewin Teg
developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
one page from a larger curriculum about the Canandaigua Treaty
writing, layout
developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
writing, graphic design
developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
concept, writing, graphic design
developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
painting by Ernest Smith
These images were brought together for a lesson plan discussing the ways that Haudenosaunee people have maintained agricultural traditions while adapting and changing over time.
image reproduced courtesy of the Rochester Museum & Science Center
concept, image selection, photograph
developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
writing, graphic design
developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
writing, graphic design
Bank Street school assignment
concept, graphic design
developed for the National Museum of the American Indian
Designed to accompany a treaty curriculum, these paper wampum beads are meant to serve as flash cards for content in the lesson.
concept, design, protoype, photographs
Interviews done to support American Museum of Natural History lessons.
concept, interviews, graphic design:AMNH
Full PDFs here
Digital interactive with scenes from three periods of Haudenosaunee homes. Students are asked to place material culture objects in the correct image, forcing them to think through when different objects came into existence and which objects retain significance today.
Designed and developed in collaboration with Ganondagan staff Michael Galban, Tonia Galban, and Kerri Ingham.
full activity here